BEST INDIAN DESI DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS IN 2023[ How I can lose weight in 10 days ]

                  Indian desi diet plan for weight loss in 2023


Are you looking for the best Indian diet plan to lose weight? the rule is very simple.
1. Understand the science behind weight loss.
2.The best diet plan for weight loss men and woman
3. 1200 calories weight loss simple diet for men and woman
4. Balanced diet plan for weight loss men and woman
5. Indian desi diet plan for weight loss in 2023. 

All you need to do is start eating the right food. this can feel like an insurmountable challenge given our food culture and distort habits. For instance, a typical Indian meal is high in carbohydrates and sugar we eat a lot of prostates rice and sweets.

we also love our snacks and cannot imagine a day without our fix of nankeens and bhaji's  we even encourage our friends and family to eat more as a sign consider refusing an extra helping a rebuff However India's health status is cannoning now. One is every four people in India is obese, according to NFHS (2019-2023) Given the data it's important to be aware that being overweight or obese can increase risk of diabetes, liver disease, heart disease and even cancer.


1. weight loss and gain revolve around caloric consumption and expenditure (2023). Simple put, you lose weight when you consume fewer calories then you spend and gain weight when you consume more calories than you love.


The number of calories consumed and spent determines weight management to lose weight one.


 Follow incorporating the following ingredient into your daily meal plan.

1.Vegetable: Tomato's Spanish eggplant mustard green okra onions bitter melon cauliflower mushroom cabbage and more

2.Fruits: Including mangos papaya pomegranate lychee apples melon pears plums bananas.

3. Nuts and Seeds: Cashews almonds peanuts pistachios pumpkin seeds sesame seeds watermelon seeds and more

4. Legumes: mung beans black eyed peas kidney beans lentils pulses and chickpeas

5. Roots and tubers: Potatoes carrots sweets potatoes turnips yams.

6. Whole grains: brown rice, basmati rice, millet, buck wheat, quinoa, barley, corn whole grain bread , amaranth sorghum.

7.Dairy: Cheese, yogurt milk , kefir, ghee

8.Herbs and spices: Garlic , ginger , cardamom , cumin , coriander garam masala , paprika , turmeric , black paper , fenugreek basil and more.

meal and snacks should focus on fresh , whole food flavored with herbs and spices.


Weight loss is determined by a calorie deficit, which means burning more calories than you consume. While there is no one-size-fits-all diet for weight loss, a balanced Indian diet that is rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats may be helpful. Here are some tips for an Indian diet for weight loss:


1. Choose whole foods: Incorporate whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources like lentils, beans, and chicken into your diet. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.

2. Include healthy fats: Choose healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil in moderation.

3. Limit calorie-dense foods: Reduce your intake of high-calorie foods like fried snacks, sweets, and desserts.

4. Control portions: Use smaller plates and bowls to control portion sizes.

5. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks.

6. Limit salt and sugar intake: Choose low-sodium options and avoid added sugars.

7. Eat mindfully: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues and avoid distractions while eating.

Remember, consistent healthy habits are key to successful weight loss. It's important to consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


Q: What is the 7 day challenge diet?

A: The 7 day GM challenge diet is a popular diet plan that helps you lose 5 kg to 7kg of weight . you can have more information about this diet

Q: which Indian food is best for weight loss? 

A: these is no single best Indian food for weight loss. any whole food found in its natural state can be suited for weight loss such as dals pulses nuts seeds spices etc.

Q: What drinks helps burn fats?

A: These are no miracle drinks to burns fats. However, diet may include drinks like jeera water, lemon water , Amal juice can help in getting rid of the eases fat.

Q: What is the most effective weight loss diet?

A: A diet which focuses on whole foods rich in nutrients is effective and sustainable if followed consistently. However the above diet chart is highly effective to shed some kilos.

Q: What are the 9 rules to lose weight?

A: Out of the many rules to lose weight, The 9 important once are as follows keep yourself hydrated improve your eating habits, look for a suitable calories deficit plan included protein in diet workout regularly , keep yourself physically active , maintain a healthy lifestyle allow yourself a cheat day. Sleep better.

Q: Is Indian diet  healthy?

A: Indian diet are diverse and many are healthy because they include varied cereals , pulses , fruits and vegetable and less meat consumption.

Q: Is bananas good for weight loss?

A: Bananas are loaded with fiber that slows the digestion process. making you feel full and help in weight loss. Howerver , bananas are high in calories as well so one needs to limit the portion size.

Q: What are the 5 food you should not eat to lose weight? 

A: These can be few foods that can avoid to maintain your weight like processed food , Junk food Junk food , alcoholic beverages sugary drinks and desserts.

Q: How can i lose 5kg in month on an Indian diet? 

A: Burning fat depends on a lot of factors that must be considered before setting up a goal , you current age BMI gender as well as lifestyles plays  a key role in the process. However you can follow our best Indian diet plan for weight article which will help you in the process.

Q: Can I lose 10kg in a month? 

A: Losing 10kgs in a month is not a healthy goal and can lead to nutritional deficiencies weight depends on a lot of criterions like age gender , BMI etc. Also making some change in your diet and lifestyles' can helps you lose weight . You can follow our best Indian diet plan for weight lose to work dedicatedly towards the goal. 

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